The Full Story
MedSmarts was created in 2021 by Arjun Rajagopal, a high school student in Texas. Initially starting off by providing meetings and information in his neighborhood during the COVID-19 pandemic, it has since grown to provide help and knowledge to those around the world. MedSmarts seminars have been attended by people from 12 different countries including the United States, Saudi Arabia, India, and China. We hope to impact many more in the future!
The Problem
The internet has provided the world with information that is easy to access and available at the click of a finger. Unfortunately, that information is not always the most reliable and can lead to devastating effects, specifically in medicine. This leads many to make quick decisions regarding their health that may not be the most appropritate.
MedSmarts aims to provide free, reliable, basic health information that many around the world either have trouble to find or lack all together. We aim to achieve this by providing:
Free Seminars and Lectures on Health, Medical Misinformation, and How to properly research
Free weekly blog posts on some of the pressing new topics in medicine and some information covered in seminars.